Monday 25 October 2010

..."For some it was salvation, for others it was utterly horrendous"

Well after much debate on how to go about blogging, I have finally decided the completion of our recent project would be as good a start as any!

As the fellow IED students among you will know our first project of 2nd year was to, in groups, come up with an educational exhibition space based on the topic of Juteopolis. Not a very exciting topic I'll admit and in my experience, a messy one! I'm still trying to hoover bits of jute off my carpet. However, despite the mess, this project, in my opinion, has been the most enjoyable to date! Working in groups was great motivation to get out my bed and I must say, Esther and Emma were great to work with. Thanks guys! (Cheesiness not intended.)

So without further ado, I shall let you in on our design...
Well I'm guessing most of you have no idea what it's all about, unless you witnessed our presentation of course, so I will fill you in with a later post very soon!
Well, phew, a post of sorts at last!

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