Monday 22 November 2010

Assignment 3

For this assignment we were asked to compile references for another annotated bibliography, this time on sources we found on ‘Cross Search’, the universities library catalogue. The sources had to support the idea that the area I had chosen to study from Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point” could be applied within design. If you have read some of my previous blogs you will know I chose to look at “The Law of The Few”. Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen, (the few), being people with the ability to encourage an idea to spread and therefore eventually “tip”. In today’s culture social networking encourages people to stay connected to each other or follow an organisation and is helpful for finding “connectors” who can spread the word fast and efficiently. This method of promoting products is particularly useful in design.

 Here’s what I managed to find...

Baym. N. K. (2010). Personal Connections in the Digital Age. 
This source which is available online or from Dundee University’s main library, focuses on the social aspects of the internet, mobile phones and digital media.

Coenen. Tanguy. (2006). Structural Aspects of Online Social Networking Systems and Their Influence on Knowledge Sharing. 

Available from:

This paper is relevant to the process view on knowledge management, where the emphasis lies on sharing through interactions between people. Seeing knowledge sharing as a social exchange process, this paper describes the multi-level structure of existing online social networking systems.

Eberts. M,  Gisler. M. (2004). Careers for Financial Mavens and Other Money Movers.      

Available from:,++Gisler.+M.+%282004%29.+Careers+for+Financial+Mavens+and+Other+Money+Movers.+&ots=0fzE4AuDQ_&sig=uw3ZNyrPUJp9s0H_gb4EwgvF9nA#v=onepage&q&f=false

This online book gives evidence that mavens exist and are essential in many subjects, in this case, in the form of Accountants and Auditors.

Fogg. B. J. (2009). The Rules of Persuasion.     
Available from: 

Social networking is a big part of today’s culture. This journal explains ways to be successful in design. For example the way in which we work and where we promote influence the success or lack of success of a design.

Kurtz. P. D. (1998). A Case Study of a Network as a Learning Organisation.

This reference is a case study with explores the use of networks to connect people with friends, family and co-workers. This is relevant to “The Law of the Few” as it is an example of how a “connector” could link his/her friends to other friends etc using the internet.

Sweed. Phyllis. (1997). Who Sets Trends.

This reference shows how certain people can influence others and start a trend. It focuses on examples from the retail industry.

My top 5 design websites at this point in time are as follows... (In no particular order)

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